A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam
Check Flight Status
19:55 | Manila, Philippines | - | UA183 |
19:55 | Koror | - | UA193 |
23:35 | Yap | - | UA185 |
02:35 | Busan | - | LJ922 |
05:55 | Manila, Philippines | - | PR111 |
19:05 | Honolulu | - | UA201 |
21:45 | Tokyo, JP ~ Narita | - | UA197 |
01:15 | Busan | - | LJ921 |
01:20 | Osaka Kansai | - | UA178 |
03:55 | Manila, Philippines | - | PR110 |
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam Management Goals & Objectives "GO 2013"
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Air Service Development
- Capture air service from new airline operators (Star Flyer, Summer 2013; Cebu Pacific, Fall 2013) with engaged air service development consultant.
- Incentivize stopover flight operations from foreign airlines.
- Refine new air service incentives.
- Market GUM for regional airline flight training.
- Establish cooperative agreements with industry stakeholders for air service development. (GEDA/GVB joint marketing initiatives)
- Be China ready for potential approval of parole authority for visa waiver.
- Refinance 2003 Revenue Bonds.
- Assess need for new capital bonds.
- Influence re-affirmed or upgraded bond ratings.
- Apply for EB-5 airport regional center status.
- Continue cost containment and efficiency maximization.
- Increase non-aeronautical revenue sources.
- Sustain downward trend for airline costs.
- Implement next phase for employee compensation program.
- Obtain “0” findings in financial and compliance audits.
Capital Programs
- Rehabilitate Runway 6L/24R.
- Complete installation of new ILS for Runway 6L.
- Finalize master plan update pending noise exposure maps.
- Install PAPI navaid for Runway 24L.
- Proceed with Noise Mitigation Program.
- Invite bids for final demolition packages.
- Initiate design for concourse segregation project.
- Complete FAA sponsored Airport Geographic Information System (AGIS) pilot program.
- Commence design for new ARFF facility.
- Replace one ARFF vehicle.
- Conduct planning for common use passenger check-in facilities.
- Implement Table Top Annual Disaster Exercise for Certification.
- Obtain “0” discrepancies in Annual FAA Inspections.
- Improve efficiency in terminal equipment to include full implementation of the Energy Performance Management Program.
- Adopt minimum standards for aeronautical activities.
- Assess and adopt tiered aviation insurance requirements.
- Start new fuel system operations and maintenance contract.
- Negotiate new water system O&M contract with GWA.
- Enhance Drug Free Workplace.
Services & Community Engagement
- Expand Ambassador Program Services.
- Support implementation of CBP Global Entry program.
- Lobby for TSA Pre-Check expedited screening initiative.
- Award and negotiate retail concession agreement.
- Adopt upgraded business model for food & beverage services.
- Enhance Website with Mobile Application Capability.
- Engage Community Discussion with Social Media Applications.
- Initiate landscaping improvements.
- Support DPW projects for the Tiyan Parkway and expanded Route 10A roadways.
Latest News
- About Our Airport
- Business Opportunities
- Information for Air Carriers
- Annual Report
- Statistics
- Board Meeting Minutes Audio
- Board Meeting Minutes Print
- Citizen-Centric Report
- Fiscal Year Operating Budget
- Contracts
- Financial Reports
- Rates and Charges
- Grants
- Staffing Pattern
- Statement of Revenues and Expenses
- Performance Evaluations
- Board Quarterly Attendance
- Quarterly Travel
- Non-Employee Travel
- Small Purchases and Construction
- Freedom of Information Act Reports
- Sole Source Procurement - Emergency Procurement
- Public Information Workshop & Open House on 14 CFR Part 150 Draft Noise Exposure Map Update
- Programs
- Downloadable Applications
- Media Center
- Employment Opportunities
- Policies, Procedures, Regulations and Plans
View our Current Public Solicitation for Services
View our RFPs -
To assist you in planning your departure or arrival at the A. B. WonPat International Airport, Guam, some general information is readily available...
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