A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

Check Flight Status


19:55 Manila, Philippines - UA183
19:55 Koror - UA193
23:35 Yap - UA185
02:35 Busan - LJ922
05:55 Manila, Philippines - PR111


19:05 Honolulu - UA201
21:45 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA197
01:15 Busan - LJ921
01:20 Osaka Kansai - UA178
03:55 Manila, Philippines - PR110
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A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam Management Goals & Objectives "GO 2013"

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Air Service Development

  1. Capture air service from new airline operators (Star Flyer, Summer 2013; Cebu Pacific, Fall 2013) with engaged air service development consultant.
  2. Incentivize stopover flight operations from foreign airlines.
  3. Refine new air service incentives.
  4. Market GUM for regional airline flight training.
  5. Establish cooperative agreements with industry stakeholders for air service development. (GEDA/GVB joint marketing initiatives)
  6. Be China ready for potential approval of parole authority for visa waiver.


  1. Refinance 2003 Revenue Bonds.
  2. Assess need for new capital bonds.
  3. Influence re-affirmed or upgraded bond ratings.
  4. Apply for EB-5 airport regional center status.
  5. Continue cost containment and efficiency maximization.
  6. Increase non-aeronautical revenue sources.
  7. Sustain downward trend for airline costs.
  8. Implement next phase for employee compensation program.
  9. Obtain “0” findings in financial and compliance audits.

Capital Programs

  1. Rehabilitate Runway 6L/24R.
  2. Complete installation of new ILS for Runway 6L.
  3. Finalize master plan update pending noise exposure maps.
  4. Install PAPI navaid for Runway 24L.
  5. Proceed with Noise Mitigation Program.
  6. Invite bids for final demolition packages.
  7. Initiate design for concourse segregation project.
  8. Complete FAA sponsored Airport Geographic Information System (AGIS) pilot program.
  9. Commence design for new ARFF facility.
  10. Replace one ARFF vehicle.
  11. Conduct planning for common use passenger check-in facilities.


  1. Implement Table Top Annual Disaster Exercise for Certification.
  2. Obtain “0” discrepancies in Annual FAA Inspections.
  3. Improve efficiency in terminal equipment to include full implementation of the Energy Performance Management Program.
  4. Adopt minimum standards for aeronautical activities.
  5. Assess and adopt tiered aviation insurance requirements.
  6. Start new fuel system operations and maintenance contract.
  7. Negotiate new water system O&M contract with GWA.
  8. Enhance Drug Free Workplace.

Services & Community Engagement

  1. Expand Ambassador Program Services.
  2. Support implementation of CBP Global Entry program.
  3. Lobby for TSA Pre-Check expedited screening initiative.
  4. Award and negotiate retail concession agreement.
  5. Adopt upgraded business model for food & beverage services.
  6. Enhance Website with Mobile Application Capability.
  7. Engage Community Discussion with Social Media Applications.
  8. Initiate landscaping improvements.
  9. Support DPW projects for the Tiyan Parkway and expanded Route 10A roadways.