A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

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19:05 Haneda - UA849
19:55 Manila, Philippines - UA183
23:40 Koror - UA157
02:35 Busan - LJ922
04:30 Taipei - CI025


19:05 Honolulu - UA201
21:45 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA197
22:40 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA865
01:15 Busan - LJ921
03:00 Taipei - CI026
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A/C Upgrade Ongoing

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Airport is implementing its Energy Performance Management Contract that includes an overhaul and upgrade of the airport’s air conditioning system. The project will be proceed in phases with inefficient air handling units replacement beginning May 3rd through 23, 2012.

Specific areas may be affected with warmer temperatures during the air conditioning upgrade project. They include the TSA Pre-Screening Lobby, retail boutiques and food outlets located on the Concourse, certain tenant offices and the West Ticket Lobby.

Prior to scheduling the work, the Airport had recently installed package units to service the areas of the terminal where air handling units are being replaced. Additional measures such as portable air conditioning units and fans are also being put in place.

The airport wishes to thank all tenants, passengers and visitors to the Terminal for their patience as these upgrades are being undertaken in line with our overall efforts to improve our facilities.