A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam
Check Flight Status
19:05 | Haneda | - | UA849 |
19:55 | Manila, Philippines | - | UA183 |
19:55 | Koror | - | UA193 |
23:35 | Yap | - | UA185 |
02:35 | Busan | - | LJ922 |
19:05 | Honolulu | - | UA201 |
21:45 | Tokyo, JP ~ Narita | - | UA197 |
01:15 | Busan | - | LJ921 |
01:20 | Osaka Kansai | - | UA178 |
03:55 | Manila, Philippines | - | PR110 |
Airport Administrative Investigation Complete
Monday, July 11, 2011
The Administrative Investigation into an incident that occurred on June 1, 2011 during the Airport’s Triennial Full Scale Disaster Drill that resulted in the injury of a participant is concluded and the report has been submitted to the Executive Manager for review.
The Airport Authority is required by federal regulation to conduct a full scale crash drill every three years on Airport property to test the Airport’s Emergency Plan for aircraft accidents and incidents in the event of a real live aircraft incident. In the process of the exercise, a volunteer participant was injured and an administrative investigation was immediately ordered by the Executive Manager into alleged improprieties committed by Airport employees.
Although there is much public interest in the findings of the investigation, the report relates to personnel matters and, as such, Guam law prohibits the release of the report to the public. The injuries sustained by the volunteer participant were unfortunate and the result of an aberration from the planned exercise, and the Airport is taking the allegations against its employees very seriously.
The determination to take personnel action against Airport employees who may have violated Airport rules and regulations and the process by which all action is taken will certainly be in accordance with the Airport’s personnel rules and regulations. It is premature, however, for the Airport to make any statements regarding what personnel action, if any, will be taken against the Airport employees involved in the incident as the Executive Manager is still reviewing the report.
The Airport would like to thank the numerous witnesses and participants who cooperated with investigators and provided statements and pertinent information related to this incident. The Airport understands and appreciates the public’s interest in this matter, however, the release of documents and information relating to this personnel matter must be done in compliance with Guam law.
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