A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

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19:55 Manila, Philippines - UA183
19:55 Koror - UA193
23:35 Yap - UA185
02:35 Busan - LJ922
05:55 Manila, Philippines - PR111


21:45 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA197
01:15 Busan - LJ921
01:20 Osaka Kansai - UA178
03:55 Manila, Philippines - PR110
04:00 Yap - UA186
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Airport Awarded $4.8 Million in ARRA Grant Funding

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The A.B. Won Pat International Airport is pleased to announce that the Federal Aviation Administration has awarded grant funding in the amount of $4,807,180.00 for the Rehabilitation of Runway 6L/24R under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009.

Under ARRA, the FAA will pay 100% of allowable costs incurred in accomplishing this project. Eligibility requirements under ARRA are specific; FAA would issue grants for high priority projects that can proceed to construction quickly to preserve and create jobs and promote economic recovery. According to FAA Stakeholder Guidance on the use of ARRA funding, Guam’s project cost of $4.8M competed with a candidate pool that exceeded the availability of funds allocated to the Region, and is subject to increased FAA oversight to ensure required timelines and milestones are met.

“Governor Felix P. Camacho directed the A.B. Won Pat International Airport to be aggressive in the application and certification process with the FAA in securing ARRA grant funding,” stated Carlos H. Salas, Executive Manager. “Our project was deemed eligible under strict guidelines, and our Airport must be especially diligent in ensuring the specific, tight and required milestone dates are met under the Act,” he further stated.

The FAA communicated that the Airport was fortunate to have received ARRA grant funding, having competed for a portion of available funds nationwide. “Oversight Chairperson of the Aviation Committee, Senator Tina Muna-Barnes joined us in discussions with FAA officials, and pledged support for GIAA to meet ARRA requirements,” said Executive Manager Carlos Salas. “We appreciate the support of Governor Camacho and Senator Muna-Barnes in carrying out our project successfully. They both have stated that all project successes are beneficial and will contribute to Guam’s economy that is dependent upon quality air services to support our main industry of tourism.”

As can be seen by the public traveling along the Airport perimeter, construction activity is high at Guam’s Airport, and sometimes affect public access along roadways throughout Tiyan and Airport property. “Development and facility rehabilitation and improvement are key priorities for this Administration to secure the economic benefits for our island,” Chairman Martin Gerber stated. “We thank our leaders and the general public for their continued support of airport development and the future benefits it will bring.”