A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

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Airport Supports Jeju Air Application to Provide Air Services to Guam

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Jeju Air Co. Ltd., a Korean low cost carrier, has filed an application with the US Department of Transportation (DOT) to conduct scheduled foreign air transportation of persons, property and mail from the Republic Korea to points in the United States and beyond. In their application, they specifically proposed to commence services on the Pusan-Guam and Incheon-Guam routes later this year.

“We are in full support of this application,” stated Chuck Ada, Executive Manager of the A.B Won Pat International Airport, Guam (GIAA). Chairman Mike Ysrael pointed out that “Jeju Air will be a welcomed airline partner for GIAA, along with the 10 operators currently providing air service on Guam. Jeju’s proposed low cost carrier model will provide an alternative choice of air service from Korea to Guam. We are especially excited about direct service from Pusan, presently unserved from Guam.”

In their Application, Jeju Air stated their intention to utilize a Boeing 737-800 aircraft with 186 or 189 seats. “In anticipation of DOT approval to their application, we are inviting Jeju Air officials to meet with the Guam Airport to discuss the specifics of their operations such as arrival times, frequency, ground operations and other permit requirements to operate scheduled flights to Guam,” said Chuck Ada.

Governor Eddie B. Calvo affirmed the Airport’s support of the Application, stating, “News like this spells the beginning of another opportunity to bring more money into Guam that will give businesses more reason to hire our people. This is good news for tourism and it is good news for our economy.”

GIAA’s letter of support is attached for reference. Jeju Air’s application to the US DOT and all other relevant documents can be found at this link: http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=DOT-OST-2012-0050-0001.