A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

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03:00 Busan - LJ924
03:05 Seoul, Korea - 7C3105
05:55 Manila, Philippines - PR111
06:55 Fukuoka - UA165
06:55 Honolulu - UA200


01:20 Osaka Kansai - UA178
01:50 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA874
02:00 Seoul, Korea - 7C3106
02:00 Busan - LJ923
03:40 Chuuk - UA176
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Press Release Archives for May 2014

  • Airport Completes Full-Scale Disaster Drill

    Thursday, May 22, 2014

    The A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam completed its Triennial Full-Scale Disaster Drill Exercise on Thursday, May 22, 2014. The exercise, which went into play at approximately 8:45 a.m., concluded with after-action discussions and evaluations of responding agencies performance, also known as a “hot wash”. Official medical and law enforcement evaluators and observers from federal and local agencies commented on various aspects of today’s response activities. The overall assessment was that response capability and capacity was adequate to address the scenario that played out as part of the Airport’s Triennual Full- Scale Disaster Drill.

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  • GIAA Staff Trained in Wildlife Hazard Management

    Friday, May 2, 2014

    The A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam (GIAA) continues their dedication to training airport personnel to keep up with the ever-changing needs of the aviation industry and airport landscape. In line with the mandates under the U.S. Federal Air Regulations (FAR 139.337) for certification, airports must be trained in Wildlife Hazard Management.

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