A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

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16:10 Seoul, Korea - LJ914
16:30 Seoul, Korea - 7C3102
16:35 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - JL942
16:50 Seoul, Korea - KE422
17:00 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA873


16:15 Nagoya, JP - UA136
19:05 Honolulu - UA201
21:45 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA197
22:40 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA865
01:15 Busan - LJ921
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GIAA Welcomes Generous Japanese Language Training by PMT Tours

Friday, May 22, 2009

The A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam (GIAA) is proud to be the recipient of a very generous training gift from a long-time tour operator. Last month, PMT announced the retirement of Mr. Katsuaki Kobayashi, President of Pacific Micronesia Tours, Inc. and PMT Guam Corporation after 13 years of service to the Guam tourism industry. As a farewell gift to Guam, Mr. Kobayashi donated free Japanese Language training to employees of the GIAA and also to other personnel of regulatory agencies that interact with visitors, namely Customs and Immigration.

The Japanese language training kicked off the first week of May and is being held in conjunction with the GIAA’s Regional Aviation Training Academy (RATA). Five (5) lesson modules will impart basic Japanese language skills to those participating in the training. The 2-hour classes are offered weekly presenting one module per month. All participants must commit to taking all five modules, concluding September 2009. The instructor or “sensei”, Mr. Fumio Sawada, has been quite pleased with the participants’ “positive attitudes and willingness to learn.”

“We are very appreciative of this generous gift from PMT and especially Kobayashi-san. Since the establishment of our training academy RATA, we’ve been able to offer training specific to airport operations and fire fighting. We are so pleased to also be able to offer Japanese language training to enhance our employees’ skills and to provide better customer service to our visitors from Japan,” stated GIAA Executive Manager Carlos Salas. “The language instruction will surely help bridge the communication gap and facilitate the processing of passengers at Guam’s airport”, added Salas.