A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam
Check Flight Status
08:00 | Saipan | - | UA174 |
12:45 | Tokyo, JP ~ Narita | - | UA196 |
13:35 | Tokyo, JP ~ Narita | - | UA864 |
15:00 | Seoul, Korea | - | TW304 |
15:10 | Seoul, Korea | - | LJ916 |
10:35 | Saipan | - | UA076 |
14:00 | Seoul, Korea | - | TW303 |
14:05 | Seoul, Korea | - | LJ915 |
14:35 | Tokyo, JP ~ Narita | - | JL941 |
14:35 | Seoul, Korea | - | KE421 |
Guam Airport 'First' in Region with Approved Federal Safety and Security Requirements
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
In its continued effort to improve safety and security at Guam’s only commercial airport, the A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam (GIAA) is proud to announce that it is the first in the region to receive approval of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Aviation Workers Screening (AWS) Program and was also recognized to be in the top 4% of all Category 1 airports and the top 9% of all airports nationwide when assessed for full implementation of the AWS Program, which is designed to deter insider threats at airports across the country. In addition, the GIAA also was recognized as the first airport in the region to receive approval of its Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-required Safety Management System (SMS) Implementation Plan, which when fully implemented, will help airports further foster a positive safety culture through improved detection and correction of safety concerns.
“When the GIAA says safety and security are top priorities when operating Guam’s only commercial airport, this recognition of leading the region in the implementation of the AWS Program and approval of the SMS Implementation Plan show the Airport’s commitment to these values,” stated John M. Quinata, Executive Manager of the GIAA. “We are extremely proud of our Airport Police and our Airport Operations Divisions for their commitment to safety and security of our airport environment. “
The TSA recently recognized the GIAA’s efforts at a recent coin presentation where they announced that not only did the Airport place in the top 9% of airports across the nation, but the Guam Airport was also the first airport to fully implement the AWS program within TSA’s Pacific Area of Responsibility, which includes Hawaii, American Samoa, CNMI and Guam. The new mandate required Airport Police to implement a screening process at aviation worker entry points at the terminal. Aviation workers include personnel from airlines, tenants, and others that may need access to restricted areas.
The FAA-required and approved SMS Implementation Plan is the first step in complying with the FAA’s ongoing transition to a more streamlined and performance-based regulatory framework. The timeline for full implementation will be no later than 36 months and the GIAA is committed to continuing its track as a leader in the region.
“We take pride in our commitment to ensure safety and security is always upheld. And these achievements are a testament to the professionalism of our outstanding Airport personnel who commit themselves to the continued pursuit of excellence," Executive Manager Quinata concluded.
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To assist you in planning your departure or arrival at the A. B. WonPat International Airport, Guam, some general information is readily available...
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