A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

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16:30 Seoul, Korea - 7C3102
17:00 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA873
19:05 Haneda - UA849
19:55 Manila, Philippines - UA183
23:40 Koror - UA157


19:05 Honolulu - UA201
21:45 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA197
22:40 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA865
01:15 Busan - LJ921
03:00 Taipei - CI026
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Guam Airport in Top 5 in International Arrivals

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

According to the latest statistics released by the US Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, the A.B. Won Pat International Airport, Guam has been ranked 5th overall in the Top US Ports in International Arrivals. In February 2012, Guam ranked right below Honolulu, and outranked San Francisco and Newark, New Jersey. Guam has been gaining in its reputation as a preferred destination, having moved up the rank from 8th in November 2011, to 6th in January, and to 5th overall in February 2012. See link: http://tinet.ita.doc.gov/view/m-2012-I-001/index.html.

Guam Airport in Top 5 in International Arrivals

“The Airport will continue to be as cost effective as possible for our airlines, who, in turn, will increase their services and offer other options or destinations for the region and people of Guam,” stated Chuck Ada, Executive Manager of the Airport Authority. “We intend to hold our position in the top 10 of US Ports for International Arrivals. This ranking clearly shows our geographic importance and relevance in the industry and the nation. It is critical that we continue our efforts as a community to ensure Guam remains the premier destination choice in the region.”