A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

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03:00 Busan - LJ924
03:05 Seoul, Korea - 7C3105
06:55 Fukuoka - UA165
06:55 Honolulu - UA200
07:10 Osaka Kansai - UA151


01:20 Osaka Kansai - UA178
01:25 Nagoya, JP - UA172
02:00 Seoul, Korea - 7C3106
02:00 Busan - LJ923
04:10 Manila, Philippines - UA184
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Guam Airport Operations in PCOR 2 Effective January 18, 2021 @ 8:00 am

Sunday, January 17, 2021

WHAT: The A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam (GIAA) is advising the public, tenants, vendors, and stakeholders of operations at the Airport under Pandemic Condition of Readiness (PCOR) 2, declared by Governor Lourdes Leon Guerrero in Executive Order # 2021-01.

WHEN: Effective Monday, January 18, 2021 @ 8:00am

PROCESS: TERMINAL ACCESS and MANDATORY THERMAL SCREENING designated to two (2) entry points:

  • Basement Level Entry from the Public Parking Lot
  • Ground Level/West Ticket Lobby Doors located as you first drive up to the Main Terminal to allow for:
  • No more than three (3) persons/well-wishers can enter per each active passenger and may park in visitor parking.

GUAM INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY OFFICES: All GIAA offices are open for public access and business effective Monday, January 19, 2021, from 8:00 am to 5:00pm, excluding weekends and holidays.

MANDATORY FACE MASKS and social distancing practices will be enforced. Hand Sanitation Stations are available throughout the terminal and frequent hygiene practices are strongly encouraged for the protection of all terminal users.

GIAA extends its appreciation for your continued cooperation and support as operations are amended to align with changes in PCOR status.