A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam

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08:00 Saipan - UA174
12:45 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA196
13:35 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - UA864
15:00 Seoul, Korea - TW304
15:10 Seoul, Korea - LJ916


10:35 Saipan - UA076
14:00 Seoul, Korea - TW303
14:05 Seoul, Korea - LJ915
14:35 Tokyo, JP ~ Narita - JL941
14:35 Seoul, Korea - KE421
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Press Release Archives for July 2018

  • GIAA Asks Guam Supreme Court to Expedite Appeal of Amended Judgement Voiding Lotte Contract

    Thursday, July 26, 2018

    July 26, 2018 – Tamuning, Guam – Attorneys for the Antonio B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam (“GIAA”) yesterday filed a motion in the Guam Supreme Court to expedite the briefing and appeal of the amended judgment by the Guam Superior Court voiding the Airport’s specialty retail concession contract with Lotte Duty Free.

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  • "STAY" Granted Pending Appeal, Court Refuses to Expand Relief Sought by DFS

    Monday, July 23, 2018

    July 19, 2018 – Tamuning, Guam – On July 16, 2018, the Superior Court of Guam granted a stay in its February 2018 order that voided the Guam International Airport’s specialty retail concession agreement with Lotte Duty Free, as well as removing a portion of the order that required GIAA to abide by the terms of the voided contract.

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  • Guam International Airport Wins Another Award! ATRS Commends Guam International Airport as Most efficient Airport

    Wednesday, July 18, 2018

    The A.B. Won Pat International Airport’s reputation in the region for excellence was once again enhanced, being voted the “most efficient airport under 10 million passengers”, by the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS), as a result of its 2018 Global Airport Performance Benchmarking Report.

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  • Guam Airport Nominated for Two FAA Western Pacific Region 2018 Airport Awards

    Tuesday, July 3, 2018

    The A.B. Won Pat International Airport, Guam was nominated and shortlisted in two categories by the FAA Western Pacific Region Office at its 9th Airports Conference held June 11-14 in Torrance, California.

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